Using I.F. of Radio Instead of Antenna

SDRPlay Independent Community Forum Forums SDR Antennas Using I.F. of Radio Instead of Antenna

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  • #626

      Hello all,

      Thanks for allowing me to join up. I’m an old, not-very-technical ham radio guy experiencing my latest frustration… attempting to get a spectrum analyzer.waterfall working on my laptop.

      I am using an SDR/play P2 with SDR/uno, Windows 10 and a Yaesu FT-950 transceiver. Here’s my problem: I have tapped into the FT-950 making use of the 69 MHz First IF instead of an additional exterior antenna. The board of the FT-950 has an ideal place to pick this up at a plug labeled SCOPE. I followed an article by John J. Haddleton published in 2013.

      I’m GUESSING I need to add or subtract the 69 MHz somewhere in the program set-up in order to read the correct frequency range I’m monitoring on the FT-950, but I have NO IDEA how or where to do this math.

      To troubleshoot my set-up, I set my FT-950 to 610 KHz AM which is a local AM broadcast station. Without allowing anything for the 69 MHz IF feed, I get some garbled audio at the 610 KHz setting, but that’s all.

      How am I supposed to correctly set things up use the 69 MHz IF with the SDR/play P2??? HELP please.


        If you can’t find what you want in the manual (page 60 I think), try raising a ticket with the support crew.


          Hi weldguy, I suspect that there is a way to do it in sdruno but I like to use HDSDR and have problems with sdruno. Under the config of HDSDR there is an option to key in an offset as I have used that feature with another sdr. So if you decide to try HDSDR (its straightforward) you just have to use the proper extiosdr*.dll for your sdrrsp unit and then you tweek the offset. you can do it, I’m probably older than you. 🙂


            Duh… how did I miss Page 60??? The whole thing is pretty overwhelmingly to me I guess.
            Thanks for the mention of Page 60.

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