Reply To: Wellbrook Loop Performance Flex versus Rigid

SDRPlay Independent Community Forum Forums SDR Antennas Wellbrook Loop Performance Flex versus Rigid Reply To: Wellbrook Loop Performance Flex versus Rigid


    Hello DaveR,

    Thanks for the reply!

    I didn’t check resistance but I will. I also have yet to try moving my antenna upstairs. If that doesn’t help me get the local AM band I have a nice CCrane AM antenna to try too. I know wire lengths for AM broadcast need to be much longer than the 3.15 meters I have now to make the 1 meter diameter loop, but I got the impression it should work, which doesn’t mean I’m right in any way. I don’t seem to have trouble with other bands but too I’m just coming to grips with SDR Uno after some time struggling to understand its idiosyncracies but that’s another topic.

    You said that only the braid is used for the signal, which makes me wonder, why use coax at all, compared to an equivalent that uses wire?