Today SDRplay released SDRuno 1.4 Release Candidate 4 – this is the final release candidate before the full release. The remaining work to be done does not affect the core functionality, so we would consider this software as stable. You can read more and download the software from: – there have also been some updates and additions to the plugin system for developers. The plugin GitHub repository ( has also been updated.More about plugins and the demo examples included in this release can be found at
One of the plugins is for DX Clusters where radio call-signs get over-layed on the spectrum window: SDRuno already provided band buttons whereby you can press say “20m” and the software takes care of all the settings needed to present you with exactly 1.0 to 14.35MHz fitting in the main spectrum display window. Now, with the new plugin you can overlay the DX cluster callsigns as they pop up. There’s a choice of how long you let them display and you can control the way in which they appear.

(from Wikipaedia): A DX cluster is a network of computers, each running a software package dedicated to gathering, and disseminating, information on amateur radio DX activities. The computers comprising the network are called nodes, the network itself being termed a cluster of nodes. The nodes may be connected either via radio links or through the internet. Internet nodes generally connect using the telnet protocol. The system acts as an aggregator of information, accepting input from various sources, then making that data available to any user who is connected to the network.)