I am using the following SDR Uno, HRD, Omnirig, VSPM: I’ve followed the driections in the connecting to HRD video and still no joy. Both virtual serial ports show up on the device manager (10&11), when I go to rx control-sett-CAT it shows connected to Com10. When I got to Main-sett-ORIG it says “port is not available”. In Omnirig I have IC-702v2_2 selected, Com 11,Baud 19200, Data 8 bits, Stop 2 bits, RTS High, DTR high, Poll 100ms, imeout 4000 ms.
When I try to set up a new connection in HRD using Com 11 I get “Access denied, check that port Com11 is not in use by another program…….”
My HRD/IC-7200 combo has worked fine for years it’s just not accepting the communications with SDR Uno or Omnirig on COM 11, I have tried a wide variety of baud rates etc but it remains “port is not available” doe anybody have any thoughts on this?