RSP1a Dead out of box?

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  • #1187

      This was a new install. Downloaded Win10 App and installed. Everything seemed normal. Pluged USB to RSP1a and the to computer. Driver seemed to install with beep. App did not not and error message came up.

      Error: Please: No available RSPs found. Please check USB cables, device drivers or if the RSP is in use……..

      I checked the device manager but could not tell if there was a driver for the RSP. I uninstalled the App and reinstall it and the same thing happened.

      Is this SDR Dead out of the Box? Any Ideas that i can Try? Should i see a Named driver for this device?


        Did you follow the on-screen procedure about not plugging in the RSP until prompted? Plugging in too early can cause these errors. The drivers are downloaded and installed along with the app all in one go, so they should be present and correct. I usually wait a minute after the driver has been found before pressing play. I’ve heard of a few cases of duff USB leads causing this error, even though (like yours) everything seems to behave normally. It’s worth a try.
        If you don’t get anywhere, raise a support ticket via the main site. The guys there are never far away and will do all they can to get you going.
        Whatever happens, would you report back and tell us what the trouble was?

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by .
        • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by .

          Yes I did that 2 times and got the same thing.


            This was the sort of issue I was getting with the drivers.

            I tried multiple installs and reinstalled without success.

            This was a new laptop with windows 10 and latest security updates. Switching off the virus checker did not work either.

            I think the Sdrplay team need to seriously look at the installation methodology and process. A second point is Linux is extremely difficult and near impossible without spending hours and still then fail.

            This could be a great product if only the driver installation was not such a problem.


              I submitted a support ticket on this and so far have not received a response from support. As a side note, the ticket process was interesting. You fill out the required information and submit it and you receive NO ticket number for it. Further more when you try to ask about your ticket they require you to have a ticket numberr! Very SAD

              As much as I hate to do this I may have to send it back to the eStore I bought from for a refund or replacement. I guess my expectation were to optimistic with this whole process.


                In my case they shut the tickets down when I complained and said I was considering sending it back. I had four open tickets. In the case of windows, I was told it was the virus checker even though it was disabled. They offrred to tunnel into my win 10 machine, which i was not going to permit on secuity grounds. With Linux I was told to watch the installation video on YouTube which I followed the steps and it still did not work. I tried windows 7, 10, and Ubuntu 20.4.and also tried virtual machines

                I too gave up and sent the unit back.


                  From Ham Radio outlet, Milwaukee.

                  ” Have you tried using different cables and/or different USB ports on the computer? ”


                  ” Yes and also uninstalling all software and reinstalling. Really would like to make it work but so far no joy.
                  SDRPlay has been no help as you can see from the link. Whats one to do? ”


                  ” So just for the hell of it after trying 2 cables I took the cable off my flight rudders, And I WORKED. Why the other 2 did not work I have no clue but at this point I DO NOT care.
                  Thanks for the push to try it one more time.”


                    How do I make as fixed?

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