RSP1a bricked, DC on RF-input

SDRPlay Independent Community Forum Forums SDRPlay Devices RSP1a bricked, DC on RF-input

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated by .
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  • #1105

      Hello all,
      I bricked my RSP1a with DC on the RF input.

      In another forum I red a discussion, that the RSP1 was AC coupled.
      I did not check that, my fault.
      It is working still, but without reception and without sensivity.

      I looked at the circuit board.
      Behind the input connector, there is a coil (picture a) and then signal is fed to an IC (picture b) with 6 pins.

      Probably this one is damaged.
      Does anyone know what type of IC this is?
      It is labeled with CA1 and EN.

      Thank you much for attention

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by .

        The input to the chip will be AC coupled, so the DC should not have damaged it. Maybe the coil in the bias T has melted and gone short-circuit so it is shorting out the signals from the antenna socket? Have you started a support ticket with the guys at SDRPlay? They may be able to repair it, although you will probably have to pay.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by .

          Hello Andy2,

          as I dont know the circuit, it could be possible.
          Is this a known problem, when getting DC to the Input?
          I remember, the RSP1a was running about 10 minutes without any problem.
          Maybe I have touched the BiasT button.
          This would be easy to discover, when knowing the coil, unsolder it, and receive would maybe back. If there is not more broken.
          But I dont know where it is.
          Do you have an idea?

          I did a support ticket, but they dont answer. Nevertheless, a service-repair would’nt make sense, because shipping EU <> US is too expensive.
          Only way is to repair it myself, but without idea of the circuit, difficult. Will look at the PCB again…
          Thank you, sdrx


            Probably I missunderstood the circuit,
            and that the coil I mentioned is just the one. And that the IC is the bias switch.
            Would mean that the RF part is the Sky3414.
            Will unsolder the coil and see.


              Yes, carefully unsolder the coil and see if the signals come back. You might just be lucky!


                did it,
                but unfortunaltely it makes no difference.
                Seems there is more broken than that.
                well, SH
                Will see te get a new one…

                Thank you anyway for help… and see you

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