Pi 4 – anyone have a RSPdx working?

SDRPlay Independent Community Forum Forums SDRPlay Devices Pi 4 – anyone have a RSPdx working?

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      I opened up a support ticket but figured I’d also ask here. Just received the RSPdx today from HRO.

      I installed SDRplay_RSP_API-ARM32-3.07.2.run

      First sign of trouble.. After installing, it told me that lsusb should recognize the device; however, lsusb results in this:

      Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
      Bus 001 Device 003: ID 1df7:3030
      Bus 001 Device 002: ID 2109:3431 VIA Labs, Inc. Hub
      Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

      That Bus 001 Device 003 is the SDRPlay (it disappears when I unplug the USB cable)

      I then followed the “non-windows workflow”:

      $ SoapySDRUtil –probe=sdrplay
      ## Soapy SDR — the SDR abstraction library ##

      Probe device sdrplay
      Error probing device: no sdrplay device found

      $ SoapySDRUtil -info
      ## Soapy SDR — the SDR abstraction library ##

      Lib Version: v0.8.0-gf722f9ce
      API Version: v0.8.0
      ABI Version: v0.8
      Install root: /usr/local
      Search path: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8
      Module found: /usr/local/lib/SoapySDR/modules0.8/libsdrPlaySupport.so (0.3.0-14ec39e)
      Available factories… sdrplay
      Available converters…
      – CF32 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8, CU16, CU8]
      – CS16 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8, CU16, CU8]
      – CS32 -> [CS32]
      – CS8 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8, CU16, CU8]
      – CU16 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8]
      – CU8 -> [CF32, CS16, CS8]
      – F32 -> [F32, S16, S8, U16, U8]
      – S16 -> [F32, S16, S8, U16, U8]
      – S32 -> [S32]
      – S8 -> [F32, S16, S8, U16, U8]
      – U16 -> [F32, S16, S8]
      – U8 -> [F32, S16, S8]

      Based on what I saw online, I also added a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf containing:
      blacklist sdr_msi3101
      blacklist msi001
      blacklist msi2500

      Rebooted, unplugged the SDR, plugged it back in, same results.

      Any ideas?


        i could be a permissions problem.

        i you don’t have one already try making one in /etc/udev/rules.d/



          Thanks Lee,
          This is the contents of my 66-mirics.rules:

          /etc/udev/rules.d $ cat 66-mirics.rules

          So looks like thats not the issue :(.


            Did you install the beta drivers?, looking on sdrplay i don’t think the stable ones support the RSPdx yet.

            API/HW Driver – v3.07.2 (15th Apr 2020)
            (All RSPs – WARNING: Open Beta)


              Whelp, I first tried my shiny new RSPdx on my mac, using the software links for cubic sdr. Total failure, in that the device wasn’t recognized at all. After multiple installs, check & recheck of usb cable, etc. no dice. So, I installed a fresh copy of Windows 10 on another PC, fully expecting SDRuno to work flawlessly. Again, complete fail. The Mirics Flexi TV driver will not load. Sometimes the device will be recognized as the RSPdx, sometimes a plain RSP, and usually as an unknown device. When it is recognized, any attempt to update the driver results in the message “Driver not intended for this platform”. I opened a support ticket but fear either the device is defective or the driver situation is abysmal.

              Not fun.



                Ted I have had issues before and it turned out to be a dodgy usb cable worked fine on my printer but not the rsp ( it was a cheap one off ebay ) since then I have only ever used good quality cables that include a choke, this may have nothing to do with your situation but if you have not swapped the usb cable it may be worth a try



                  I did swap the cable, though I guess it is conceivable both are malfunctioning. Also, I’ve been using the same cable to program and query two different Arduino devices without issue so I’m pretty sure it is functioning. I just got my first response back from support. The first line was “The RSP does not use serial ports it uses a high speed USB 2.0 port.” Guess USB means something different than universal SERIAL bus in the UK. Hoping for the best.

                  Thanks for your response, Rick.



                    Support was less than awesome, seemingly much more focused on trying to appear technically superior to a lowly, presumably ignorant customer. I threw in the towel and asked HRO for a return authorization. Silly me for expecting a $200 purchase to just work. If I had purchased a $25 dongle or clearly an experimental device it would be a very different story. Hope this works flawlessly for everyone else. Cheers


                      I am totally new to SDR but not software. I was hoping to use the RSPdx with my RPi4.

                      I followed the non-windows workflow webinar. This was on a newly burnt Rasbian OS. (32 bit)

                      The API install completed successfully. I have a problem with the Soapy SDR compile. A Python library component appears to be missing:


                      There was a message about PYTHON3_DBG_EXECUTABLE being required. Try finding it on the Python repository!

                      So device 3030 is found by the API but not Soapy.

                      I know the dx box is working as I installed BootCamp & Win 10 on my iMac to run SDRuno. Success!

                      The dx looks like a superb little box but I did not buy it to wrestle with Linux (not for the first time).

                      What I would like to see is a SDRplay distro that supports the dx on the Pi4. The dx has been out for a few months now. I did try updating the current R Pi with latest API, and rebuilt Soapy – but that did not work either. I might try again but my knowledge of Linux does not extend to knowing how to uninstall and then rebuild Soapy if that needs to be done.

                      For the moment it is Windows 10 and SDRuno. At least that works and is amazing.


                        For those that are still interested to know, the RSPdx is supported on all platforms.

                        The Raspberry Pi image (0.7) can be found here: https://www.sdrplay.com/raspberry-pi-images

                        The MacOSX requires 2 downloads, one for the API: https://www.sdrplay.com/software/SDRplay_RSP_API-MacOSX-3.07.3.pkg

                        and one for CubicSDR 0.2.6: https://www.sdrplay.com/software/CubicSDR-0.2.6-Darwin.dmg

                        We have been going through a period of beta testing for the API 3, so we appreciate everyone’s patience and those that have provided us with feedback.



                          I was using the RSP1A remotely from my computer on a RasPI 4B using the SDRPlay Headless Server and 0.7 images and HDSDR. Looking to going back to SDRUno and upgrading to the RSPdx I wanted to try to get a USB server running to create a virtual USB cable connection. I first tried the AnyplaceUSB-S2 with limited success – it supported isochronous packets, but was bursty/periodic and not continuous. I found that Virtual Here has a USB Server driver/client and even the trial version works perfectly – just like a direct USB cable connection.



                            Well its 2022 and I am having a similar problem with PYTHON3_DBG_EXECUTABLE being missing when trying to compile SoapySDR and the API for the RSP Duo ona Pi. Can’t find any information on Python3InterpDbg that it is referring to although python3-dbg IS installed. Any help on which library this is referring to would be appreciated. I am about ready to dump my RSP Duo on eBay and buy something else that at least has a bit of support!

                            • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by .
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