I’m eagerly waiting for my RSPdx to arrive in the next few days. I dug out my old and rusty sub-30MHz dipole antenna from the basement and found also my Yaesu FRT-7700 antenna tuner. Now, i’d like to try out the FRT with the RSPdx.
My question is how do I connect these two?
RSPdx has one BNC and 2 SMA-connectors, whereas FRT-7700 has “just” two wires (well ok, three, but for two different options). I do not understand enough about impedances, losses etc that may occor, if I just crimp the two wires to a BNC or SMA-connector. Of course I could give it a try and see what happens and then compare the result to directly connecting the dipole to RSPdx BNC. But i’m also ok to play around with this a bit more as for some reason I’ve had some extra time at home recently.
For those interested, I attached the FRT-7700 circuit diagram.
73 kks