Reply To: rsp1a on sdr#

SDRPlay Independent Community Forum Forums General rsp1a on sdr# Reply To: rsp1a on sdr#


    Hi Jose, am I right in thinking you want to use sdr# with the tetra plugin and your sdrplay rsp1a to decode tetra?

    Somebody will correct me if I’m wrong but I think sdr# software will not work with the rsp1a. However all is not lost there is a workaround. Although it is a bit long winded. It can be done through audio piping, basically you need vbcable (virtual audio cable) to pipe the Raw iq data stream from sdruno (iq out ) to sdr#/source: ( iq from sound card ) then there are more settings to change I said it was long winded.

    73s M3SNU..