Reply To: question about safe antenna distance from transmitter antenna

SDRPlay Independent Community Forum Forums General question about safe antenna distance from transmitter antenna Reply To: question about safe antenna distance from transmitter antenna


    Thanks, I appreciate the replies, sounds good, I know there is no protection in the rsp1a and they stress it,,, I did find an rf guard for just under $100 on the dx website, and as for pl259 and so239 I still have a couple new cables not opened and spools of OLD milspec wire and so today I made the 10 meter long wire antenna, I have everything I need to seal out moisture, I just need to decide which trees to suspend it between seal the connectors and go… I’ve been hooking it up to my sirio gpe 5/8 and I get nice am and fm broadcast band signals, but for hf I only heard a couple guys about 1100 and 1400 miles away I have run into problems trying to find signals and had restart the program, it suddenly start to jump 500kc or more when trying to tune and/or wont let me click on a peak to select or click the waterfall to select, so I think I’m touching some option somewhere and not catching it..

    I’m still hoping to find out what safe antenna distance is for 200 watts and below to know whether to get the rf guard or just longer coax…

    I need to watch a few videos I guess to see what actually does what… I sold my shop and all my equipment and got out of radio over 30 years ago, and just saw this waterfall stuff, so I had to have it, its like waking up from long long coma into a whole new world….

    And again, Thanks for the info… Enjoy…