Reply To: question about safe antenna distance from transmitter antenna

SDRPlay Independent Community Forum Forums General question about safe antenna distance from transmitter antenna Reply To: question about safe antenna distance from transmitter antenna


    I asked a similar question of Wellbrook (of the loop fame), it has an active front end like the RSPs, his answer was “anything more than a few metres will be fine”. I don’t know if the RSPs have any specific overload protection, there are some rather good ESD protection devices for USB signals (up to 100s of MHz) that would do a good job, better than a couple of back to back 1N4148s (the Wellbrook uses 1N4148s).

    Easy to build with a scrap of Veroboard and a couple of pcb SMA connectors, you can get those for silly cheap from eBay (I bought 10 for a couple of quid), they are on a 0.1″ pitch and therefore fit Vero nicely.

    I am growing to like the SMA connector it is just the right size for modern stuff, BNC also good but not used much in amateur radio gear, N, very good big and waterproof, I use them for outdoor stuff. The SO239 (PL239) is horrible in all aspects both electrically and mechanically, why is it still here????