Reply To: RSP1a bricked, DC on RF-input

SDRPlay Independent Community Forum Forums SDRPlay Devices RSP1a bricked, DC on RF-input Reply To: RSP1a bricked, DC on RF-input


    Hello Andy2,

    as I dont know the circuit, it could be possible.
    Is this a known problem, when getting DC to the Input?
    I remember, the RSP1a was running about 10 minutes without any problem.
    Maybe I have touched the BiasT button.
    This would be easy to discover, when knowing the coil, unsolder it, and receive would maybe back. If there is not more broken.
    But I dont know where it is.
    Do you have an idea?

    I did a support ticket, but they dont answer. Nevertheless, a service-repair would’nt make sense, because shipping EU <> US is too expensive.
    Only way is to repair it myself, but without idea of the circuit, difficult. Will look at the PCB again…
    Thank you, sdrx