Reply To: RSP1 as Panadapter for Icom IC-R8500 With HDSDR

SDRPlay Independent Community Forum Forums General RSP1 as Panadapter for Icom IC-R8500 With HDSDR Reply To: RSP1 as Panadapter for Icom IC-R8500 With HDSDR


    There is a group on for HDSDR: If you’re not a registered user of you’d have to become one.

    I have not tried the RSP1 I have as a standalone on HDSDR but I will do so. I have tried the above setup now with SDRUno, and I am unable to click and tune anywhere in the spectrum window. However I can scroll the wheel on the mouse and do so. No idea why that would be. This setup is also configured with Omni-Rig and there is full control over the radio’s frequency and mode. Just no point/click/tune whatsoever.
