Just for your records.
– SDRPlay RSP 1A
– MacBook USB-C (early model with just one usb-c and one mini-jack ports)
– Mac os x 10.12.6
– Cubic SDR 0.2.5.
I installed yours “ API/HW Driver – v2.13 (20th Jun 2018) (RSP1/RSP1A/RSP2/RSPduo – single tuner only)”
Because the previous installed driver was fine to Cubic SDR 0.2.3 but the new Cubic SDR 0.2.5 did not work with it.
I got errors in probing the installation, even after re-downloading/installing/probing several times:
$ SoapySDRUtil –probe
dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libSoapySDR.0.6.dylib
Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/SoapySDRUtil
Reason: image not found
Abort trap: 6
However Cubic SDR 0.2.5 works just fine.
Best wishes and season’s greetings,
PS. You might want to check my blog: https://radioforcruisers.blogspot.com/